
Diego Ibarra
Post-Doc Fellow
Dept. of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street, PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2, Canada
      Room: 2626 LSC
      Phone: +1 (902) 494 3655
      Fax: +1 (902) 494 3877
      E-mail: dibarra@dal.ca


Ibarra DA, Cembella AD, Grant J, (submitted) Attenuation of sunlight measured from autonomous moorings to assess horizontal gradients of suspended particles caused by bivalve aquaculture. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

Ibarra DA, Fennel K, Cullen JJ (in preparation) Impacts of bivalve aquaculture on the spatial distribution of phytoplankton. Ecological Modelling.

Ibarra DA, Fennel K, Cullen JJ (in preparation) Coupling 3-D Eulerian bio-physics (ROMS) with individual-based shellfish ecophysiology (SHELL-E): A hybrid model for carrying capacity and environmental impacts of bivalve aquaculture. Ecological Modelling.

Ibarra DA, Fennel K, Cullen JJ (in preparation) Two-way coupling of macrobiota and planktonic dynamics in shallow embayments using a hybrid (IBM/Eulerian) end-to-end model. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Ibarra DA, Cembella AD, Grant J, Cullen JJ (in preparation) Seston depletion attributed to mussel (Mytilus edulis) long-line aquaculture: Models vs measurements of sunlight attenuation. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Cembella AD, Ibarra DA, Diogene J, Dahl E (2005) Harmful Algal Blooms and their assessment in fjords and coastal embayments. Oceanography. 18(2):158-171.

Grant J, Cranford P, Hargrave B, Carreau M, Schofield B, Armsworthy S, Burdett-Coutts V, Ibarra DA (2005) A model of aquaculture biodeposition for multiple estuaries and field verification at blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture sites in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.62:1271-1285.

Ibarra DA, Couturier C, Mills T (2000) Chapter 19: Calculation of meat yields by mussel growers in Newfoundland. In: Shahidi F (ed) Seafood in health and nutrition. Science Tech. USA. 552 pp.

Ibarra DA, Couturier C (1998) Cultivo de mejillon en Terranova: un ejemplo de acuicultura familiar con tecnologia de punta. Panorama Acuicola. 3(7).

Ibarra DA, Couturier C (1998) Factors influencing culture mussel meat yields and recommendations for a standard method. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada, 98(2).

Ibarra DA (1996) Atlantes de Bacochibampo. Coriolis, 32:1-7.

Ibarra DA (1995) De la recoleccion a la produccion existe una evolucion. Coriolis, 29:5.

Ibarra DA (1995) Operativo robustus. Coriolis, 26:1-5.